Why Go Green?

Whether you're concerned about your health, the environment, or simply want to live a more eco-friendly life, this blog is for you. Learn easy techniques and tips for incorporating green living into your home and yard and your beauty and skincare routine that will benefit you, your family and pets.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Welcome & Why Green Living?

Welcome to Shades of Green; my blog regarding a subject about which I am very passionate: green living. Whether you're an ecoholic or have yet to go beyond the "thinking stage" when it comes to green living, this blog will help you learn about and incorporate green living ideas, tips and techniques that can benefit you, your family, your pets and the environment. To top it off, green living is a fantastic way to save money and, with the current economy, who doesn't want to save money?

When terms like "go green" and "green living" came into vogue my initial reaction was to balk at the idea. I dislike most trends, especially trends that are being mass media-marketed at every street corner and on every TV and radio station. But in my mild rebellion against giving into trend, I was actually being kind of an idiot. One day, in the midst of cleaning my house, I realized I'd been practicing green living for fifteen years prior to media and environmentalists bringing the concept to the forefront of the people's conscience.

Flashback to the early 90s, when as a previously healthy young adult, I'd begun to suffer from repeated  respiratory illnesses. You name it, I got it: colds, bronchitis, repeated sinus infections and respiratory flu. Even on good days, I was sneezing, my head felt like a giant balloon and normal activities were wearing me out. I was young, active and physically fit with no explanation for the sudden and constant bouts of illness. A trip to the doctor, then a referral to an allergist revealed that I had developed asthma and allergies. When I asked the doctor how this happened; how a perfectly normal person who never suffered from these conditions before suddenly develops them, her reply astounded me:

"Nowadays, people are exposed to more allergens and toxins in the air and in their home environments than ever before. The rate at which nornally healthy people are developing allergies and asthma all of a sudden is growing rather quickly. Studies have been done and there's still more to learn but it's hard to refute the connection between exposure to chemical toxins and the development of respiratory illness and conditions."

Armed with information and suggestions from a doctor who clearly was a proponent of green living, I slowly began to change the way I lived. Over the years, I've enjoyed learning hundreds of green living tips that are unique, fun, money-saving and, most of all, reduce chemical exposure. The biggest proof that green living has worked for me is the fact that I no longer regularly use medicine for my asthma...maybe once or twice a year...and I can control allergy symtpoms with over-the-counter medicine, as needed. I am rarely sick and can participate in physical activities without paying for it the rest of the day.

Whatever your considerations, here are a few to ponder regarding the benefits of green living:
  • Green living saves money on cleaning products, insect repellents, skin, hair and body care, and pet care to name just a few.
  • Involving the family, including the kids, in green living can translate to family bonding time and time spent on enjoyable and beneficial family activities. Children enjoy a great sense of pride and accomplishment when they do things to help others and themselves. Green living is a great way to teach responsibility, care and respect and enjoy family time without having to spend loads of (if any) money on family activities.
  • Positively impact your health. According to a study done by the Journal of the American Medical Association, green living reduces your risk of lung cancer. The health benefits of green living are numerous.
  • Contribute toward a better environment in your home, backyard, community, country and world by reducing the carbon footprint you leave behind.
  • If you want to give back but don't feel you have the time, money or means to do so, practicing one or two green living tips regularly provides a ripple effect that gives back more than you realize.
Most people new to green living think it's difficult, time-consuming and requires the purchase of products and supplies that are far more expensive then their chemical-laden counterparts. In Shades of Green, I hope to dispel those myths for you and show you how simple it is to "go green."

1 comment:

  1. Like right one the money, why pollute our environment as if we can just simply pack up
    and move to another planet. That is what big
    corporations act like, not thinking of the future. A little change and adjustment will go a long way, if everybody contributes, we can make a big difference in our environment.Everyone should be careful on what they eat, where the eat and even when the eat. Our body and mind need to be detoxified every so often. It is the temple our spirits live in and many of us, seem to forget we have a major influence on the outcome of our own health. It is only because of the lack of knowledge and taking forgranted our temple and how we mind or minds. Simple easy but true we are the keepers of the gates to our own future well being. Great Article!
