Why Go Green?

Whether you're concerned about your health, the environment, or simply want to live a more eco-friendly life, this blog is for you. Learn easy techniques and tips for incorporating green living into your home and yard and your beauty and skincare routine that will benefit you, your family and pets.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Dull, Lifeless Hair Doesn't Turn Heads

Is your hair void of shine? Hanging limply? Losing its style after a couple hours? If you look in the mirror and wonder what happened to your beautiful hair, you're not alone. For months, I tried everything....salon products, vitamins, moisturizing shampoos and conditioners. No matter what I did, my hair felt and looked like straw. Blah! Whomever said hair can be your crowning glory was right! When it looks lackluster, it can make you feel lackluster, too.

I should have known all along that  my hair problem could be solved if I went back to my "green living" roots. When I finally did, I saw results instantly. But before I get to that, here are some reasons why your hair might lack shine, volume, and softness:

  • Product buildup. The very products used to style your hair slowly build up, weighing your hair down and causing it to look dull.
  • Dryness. 'Nuff said. Some of us are more prone to dry hair and skin.
  • Dandruff or other scalp conditions, such as sebhorreic dermatitis.
Tackle Dry Hair

Olive oil moisturizes dry hair and skin.
 To moisturize your hair and tackle itchy scalp from dandruff or sebhorrea, use olive oil once per week. Smooth olive oil from the roots to the ends. Apply the oil to the underside of your hair and if your scalp is itchy, rub olive oil onto the scalp, too. If your hair is dry but your scalp tends to be oily, only apply the olive oil to the ends.

Leave the olive oil on your hair for at least 20 minutes. You can boost its moisturizing power by sitting in the sunlight or wrapping a warm towel around your head.

Wash your hair as normal. It might take two washes to get the oil residue out. Condition as normal, too.

Remove Product Buildup, Add Shine, Bounce, Softness and Body

Use this remedy a minimum of once per week, on the same day as you condition with olive oil. Or, better yet, with every other shampoo.

Place 4 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar in the bottom of a plastic cup (you can substitute white vinegar if you absolutely have to). Add 1 cup of warm water (warm water from the shower is fine).

After you wash and condition your hair and have rinsed the conditioner out, pour the diluted apple cider vinegar over your hair. Start at the roots and work your way around and back. If you have itchy scalp problems, make sure to get some of the solution in that area.

Give the apple cider vinegar solution a minute to soak your hair. Do not rinse it out.

Dry your hair as normal.

**Things to Remember: Keep your head tilted back while pouring the vinegar solution over your hair. If it gets in your eyes it doesn't feel great. Don't worry about the smell. When your hair is fully dry the vinegar smell will dissipate.

Healthy-looking hair is sexy & beautiful.
I condition my hair with olive oil once per week. Since I wash may hair every other day (daily shampooing is horrible for dry hair), I use the vinegar rinse after each shampoo and condition. I saw results after the first time I did this and I'm thrilled with my hair for the first time in years!

Let me know how it works out for you! Like I said before, dull, lifeless hair doesn't turn heads. But shiny, bouncy, healthy-looking hair will have heads turning....including yours' each time you pass a mirror.